New CD from Jason...!

But not THIS Jason. We're talking Jason Riggs' friend and compadre Jason Bennett. One year after his brilliant record "Acoustic Harbor," Bennett has followed up with the equally brilliant follow up " Mindchange." It includes 8 great tunes penned by Mr. Bennett, one song written by some guy named Bob Dylan, and...wait for it...a Jason Riggs song!!! Bennett has covered "My Heart's Not Broken Anymore," and it sounds great. Bennett takes Riggs' song of healing and heartache, making it his own. You can hear a clip of it here... The CD's Tracks are on the left and "My Heart's Not Broken Anymore" is number 6. While, you're at it, check out his other songs. Hell, might as well buy a copy before all your cool friends get it. For those not in the know, Jason Bennett is a great singer/songwriter from Colorado. Riggs and Bennett crossed paths at a gig one night and have kept up a correspondence ever since. Mr. Bennett has the dubious distinction of being the first artist to cover one of Mr. Riggs' compositions. Check out more of Bennett at his website by going to:

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