Fan Review of Riggs' surprise hometown show!

If you have never heard Jason perform before, you must, absolutely MUST see him live. It's one of those shows where you will laugh, smile for no apparent reason, tap your foot without knowing it, and be completely absorbed in the amazing music and lyrics. For those of you who have not purchased "Pawn Shop Special" yet, let me tell you that Jason just keeps getting better and better. Every song is amazing. You will find a few that you wonder "How did he read my mind about that?" and other songs where you just start singing along without knowing it until the song is done. "This Machine" is a great first track that hooks you and makes you want to listen to the next, just to find out what's next! My personal all time fave, "Drive Away" which I heard live a while back and am thankful it's now on CD so I can just hit repeat! Jason is one of those rare artists who is an unknown gem who constantly surprises you and whose music takes hold of you and won't let you go. You definitely want to catch his show - just so you can say, "I saw him when he began, and he was great then too!" Congrats, Jason, on a wonderful second album and for a terrific performance in Alb. We hope to see you again soon! -submitted by Jennifer K.

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